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Time to Face the Fat!!!

Okay so I couldn't really ignore it anymore. I got tired of having multiple chins and a mean FUPA. Although I loved my curves and the freedom of being "ME" there was this nagging feeling that I really wasn't the "Best Me". Okay lets take it back,,, before my marriage. Let's just blame it on fat and Happy shall we? Before My MAAANNN, I was working many butt breaking part-time jobs on my feet and financially struggling and still managed time to run and work-out. Once I feel in love and decided to enter into Matrimony with my Big Baby-Kins Hays well we basically "NETFLIXED AND CHILLED"- literally. I worked from home helping my husbands booking company and occasionally worked out 3-4x's a week (I don't mean to brag). Meanwhile on the life style front I was frequently getting to eat lavish meals and having enough cash to get the $1.50 for guacamole at Chipotle. One day I stumbled upon old "Hot" pictures of me back when I worked 3 jobs and had a meager income. Apparently POVERTY WAS A GOOD LOOK FOR ME. So going on the 4th year of marriage I made a commitment to really get back in touch with my sexier self mostly for my husband. No he never pressured me in fact he has always made me feel gorgeous to the point where I stopped weighing myself and working out and putting this body in neutral. Alas I decided to face the fat and commit myself to a "New Years Resolution", I know, I know. And what better way to do it than announce it on Facebook!

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